Start a New Organization
We give you the tools to celebrate your imagination.
Get creative
If you’re bummed you didn’t find an organization or didn’t totally find your people, then create a new one.
Chances are, you’re not the only one with your interests. Starting a new organization is a great way to meet new friends, develop leadership skills and share your interests. (It also looks great on a resume because it shows initiative, energy and the ability to bring people together.)
Chat with our staff
Talk with our office staff to work through your ideas. We love to meet with students to bring their ideas to fruition. Contact us to schedule a time to meet.
You’ll need a faculty advisor
You may already have a group of students ready to join your organization, but if you don’t, begin talking up your idea with your friends, floor mates, RAs and your professors. Once you have your group, recruit at least one faculty or staff member to advise your organization.
And a constitution
Next step: hold a planning meeting. Discuss and write down the purpose for your group, its goals, and officers the organization needs to be successful. Appoint a small group to work on the organization’s constitution.
Submit it all to our staff
Compile information about your new group’s roster, officers, advisors and general organizational information. Submit these with your constitution to our office in Stockdale Student Center.
Becoming a recognized organization comes with perks
Your organization will be able to:
- vote in Scots Student Senate
- use “Monmouth College” in your organization title
- petition ASMC for funding
- open an organizational account at the Business Office
- sponsor functions on campus
- reserve College rooms
- get your events on the College calendar
- have a campus mailbox