Violence Prevention

Violence may be intentional or unintentional and can be directed towards a person or group of individuals. This document provides information about bystander intervention, safety and suggestions about ways one might reduce risk associated with violence. This document is also referenced in the College’s Harassment Policy.

Various types of violence that can occur on campus can include the following:

  • Physical violence
  • Psychological violence
  • Sexual Assault/Sexual violence
  • Dating Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking
  • Racism
  • Homophobia

Physical violence

Physical violence can include but is not limited to physical assault, damage to property, or a shooter on campus etc. Monmouth College does not tolerate physical violence or damage to property. For more information on Monmouth College policies regarding physical violence and damage to property please visit: The Scots Guide. For information about how to handle a shooter on campus please visit: Emergency Procedures.

Psychological violence

Psychological violence can induce fear, cause emotional anguish and can be used as a tool to control. Monmouth College’s policy on harassment clearly states that this is not tolerated on the Monmouth College campus. For more information on the college’s harassment policy visit: Scots Guide Harassment Policy

Sexual Assault/Sexual violence.

Sexual Assault/Sexual violence. Sexual Assault is a particular type of sexual harassment that involves actual or attempted sexual contact with another person without that person’s consent. Sexual assault includes, but is not limited to:

  • Sexual Penetration without Consent (e.g., rape): Any penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.
  • Sexual Contact without Consent (e.g., fondling): The touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, without the consent of the victim. This includes contact done directly or indirectly through clothing, bodily fluids, or with an object. It also includes causing or inducing a person, when consent is not present, to similarly touch or fondle oneself or someone else.
  • Incest: Sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by the laws of the state in which the incident occurred.
  • Statutory Rape: Sexual intercourse with a person who is under the legal age of consent (17 years in Illinois).

Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking

  • “Domestic violence” includes felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family laws of the jurisdiction, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, or by anyone else against an adult or youth victim who is protected under the domestic or family violence law of the jurisdiction.
  • “Dating violence” means violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim, where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors: the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. It includes but is not limited to sexual abuse or the threat of such abuse. Dating violence does not include acts covered under the definition of domestic violence, above..
  • “Stalking” means engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for her, his, or others’ safety, or to suffer substantial emotional distress.
    • For the purposes of this definition:
  • “Course of conduct” means two or more acts, including, but not limited to, acts in which the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device or means, follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens, or communicates to or about a person, or interferes with a person’s property;
  • Reasonable person” means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the victim; and
  • “Substantial emotional distress” means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily, require medical or other professional treatment or counseling.

For more information on how to file a complaint or report an incident of sexual assault, sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking, see Scots Guide Harassment Policy

Violence based on racism

Violence based on racism shows disregard for human life and can cause emotional anguish. Violence based on racism can also result in injury, bodily harm, or even death. Monmouth College deplores violence based on race and considers such violence as hate crime. Any member of the college community can file a complaint according to guidelines in the Scots Guide Harassment Policy

Violence based on homophobia

Violence based on homophobia also shows disregard for human life and can also cause emotional anguish and may also result in violence in injury, bodily harm, or even death. As a learning community, Monmouth College deplores such violence and considers it a hate crime. Any member of the college community can file a complaint according to Scots Guide Harassment Policy.

Violence Prevention Measures at Monmouth College:

Bystander Intervention

A safe and healthy community requires the commitment of everyone, and each of us can play an important role in preventing harassment, sexual violence and relationship violence (including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking). Being an active bystander doesn’t mean you have to risk your own safety. It does mean you should be aware, have a sense of responsibility about the welfare of others, have confidence, make decisions about how you can be helpful to others and act to see to it that we all treat one another fairly and well.

Barriers to bystander action

Individuals can be confused about when, where and how to respond in a given situation. Often we look to others to see how to react when we are unsure about what we may be experiencing. This is especially true when we are in a large group and we are not sure if what we are seeing is dangerous or not. Waiting for others to react is problematic especially if everyone is feeling the same uncertainty. Being the one to act by saying something can change the way others are viewing the situation and assist the community in creating a climate that makes speaking up and helping others in need the norm.

Examples of bystander intervention:

  • Speaking up when someone discusses plans to take sexual advantage of another person
  • Watching out for your friends and if you see someone who looks like they might be in trouble, asking if he or she is okay
  • Refusing to leave the area (or call police) if a person is trying to get you to leave so they can take advantage of another
  • Confronting people who seclude, hit on, try to make out with, or have sex with people who are incapacitated
  • Speaking up when people use racist, sexist, homophobic, or other harmful language
  • Offering to drive an incapacitated friend home from a party
  • Ensuring friends who are incapacitated do not leave the party or go to secluded places with others
  • Interjecting yourself in a conversation where another person seems unsafe to cause a distraction
  • Referring someone who needs help to Victim Services at 309-837-5555, the police or other resources off campus

Note when confronting others you should avoid being antagonistic or being violent yourself. Always keep yourself safe and remember to contact Campus Safety or the local police if necessary (Campus Safety: 309-457-3456 or local police: 911)

Emergency Contact System

Monmouth College, in collaboration with an outside emergency contact provider, has developed an Emergency SCOTS ALERT system whereby students, faculty and staff are alerted via their cell phones and computer email accounts to the emergency.

Emergency Response Plan

Monmouth College has developed a Campus-Wide Emergency Response Plan.

All members of the Monmouth College community are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Emergency Response Plan.

Residence Halls Locked 24 Hours

All residence halls, fraternity and sorority houses, and theme houses are locked 24 hours a day at Monmouth College. Students use their key cards to enter buildings.

Residence Hall Prevention Programs

Residence hall staff conducts regular fire safety drills in collaboration with the local fire department. In addition the residence hall programs also sponsor a number of safety programs for their residence which include the following topics: 1) Alcohol Use and Abuse, 2) Drug Use and Abuse,3) Date Rape, 4) Aids Awareness, 5) Safe Sex, 6), Safety on Campus.

Campus Safety Vehicles

Monmouth College Campus Safety Officers use designated vehicles to respond to emergency situations. The vehicle has appropriate equipment including a first aid kit.

Campus Safety Escort

Monmouth College Campus Safety provides escort to students round the clock to and from campus locations including college owned parking lots. To request an escort, students can:

  • Call Campus Safety directly at309-457-3456
  • Call the Stockdale Center Office at 309-457-2345 to request escort
  • Contact the RA/House Manager on duty to radio Campus Safety

Threat Assessment Team

A team of professionals representing the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Academic Affairs is in place to assess possible threats to the Monmouth College community. The team meets on a regular basis and on emergency basis if needed. Members of the community are advised to contact one of the following personnel immediately in the event of a real or perceived threat in addition to 911:

Office Phone Number
Campus Safety 309-457-3456

24-Hour Security Presence

Monmouth College has round-the-clock security coverage. Campus Safety Officers are now available 24 hours a day seven days a week when school is in session.

Important Safety and Violence Prevention Information

These safety tips are just a few that should be practiced each and every day. Please familiarize yourself with the information for your own protection as well as that of other members of the Monmouth College community.

Report all suspicious activity immediately to the following phone numbers:

Office Phone Number
Monmouth College 24-hour Campus Safety 309-457-3456
Office of Residence Life 309-457-2114
Police 911

Getting from Place to Place Safely

  • Never take personal safety for granted.
  • Be aware of your surroundings; avoid shortcuts through dark, secluded areas. Stay where other people are visible.
  • Walk in a group, and walk with confidence. If you have to walk alone, contact Campus Safety at309-457-3456for an escort.
  • Avoid hats or other items that restrict your vision and earphones that impair your hearing.
  • Carry only the cash, credit cards and ID that you expect to need.
  • Lock all doors when driving your vehicle. When parking your vehicle, park in a well-lit area and secure your vehicle.
  • Do not attach your ID to your keys or mark your keys with your name or address.
  • If you feel unsafe or think you may be at risk, leave the situation immediately.
  • If you attend group gatherings go with friends you trust and keep tabs on them.
  • Be particularly aware that alcohol and drugs interfere with a person’s ability to make clear decisions and communicate effectively.

Sexual Assault/Sexual Violence

Monmouth College provides numerous programs throughout the academic year designed to educate employees and students regarding sexual assault and sexual violence including domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. All new students and employees participate in the online training program We Comply that addresses each of these topics.

Employees and students receive a Respect brochure providing definitions, as well as information about how to report assault or violence. The brochure also explains Confidentiality and those on campus who can keep reports in confidence and those who cannot. Educational awareness programs are offered throughout the year, including programs about Domestic Violence Prevention, Bystander Intervention, Date Rape Discussion and Program, Dating Violence, Hazing Awareness, Safe Space Training.

Recognizing an Abusive Person and Abusive Behavior

This is a list of behaviors that may be seen in people who abuse their partners.

Past abuse

An abuser may say, “I hit someone in the past, but she made me do it.” An abusive person who minimizes what happened with a previous partner is likely to be violent with their current partner. Abusive behavior does not just go away; long-term counseling and a sincere desire to change are necessary.

Threats of violence or abuse

Threats can involve anything that is meant to control the victim. For example, “I’ll tell your parents about your drug use if you don’t do what I want.” Healthy relationships do not involve threats, but an abusive person will try to excuse this behavior by saying that “everybody talks like that.”

Breaking objects

An abuser may break things, beat on tables or walls or throw objects around or near the victim. This behavior terrorizes the victim and can send the message that physical abuse is the next step.

Use of force during an argument

An abuser may use force during arguments, including holding the victim down, physically restraining the victim from leaving the room, and pushing and shoving. For example, an abuser may hold a victim against the wall and say, “You’re going to listen to me.”


An abuser may say that jealousy is a sign of love. In reality, jealousy has nothing to do with love. It is a sign of insecurity and possessiveness. An abuser may question the victim about whom they talk to or be jealous of time spent with other people. As the jealousy progresses, the abuser may call the victim frequently, stop by unexpectedly or monitor the victim’s activities.

Controlling behavior

An abuser may claim that controlling behavior is out of concern for the victim’s welfare. They may be angry if the victim is late and may frequently interrogate the victim. As this behavior gets worse, the abuser may control the victim’s appearance and activities.

Quick involvement

An abuser will often pressure someone to make a commitment after a very short amount of time. The abuser may come on quickly, claiming “love at first sight,” and may tell the victim flattering things such as “You’re the only person I could ever love.”

Unrealistic expectations

The abuser may be dependent on the victim for everything and expect perfection. The victim may be expected to take care of everything for the abuser, particularly all emotional support. The abuser may say things like, “You’re the only person I need in my life.”


The abuser may attempt to diminish and destroy the victim’s support system. If a female victim has male friends, the abuser may accuse her of being a “whore.” If she has female friends, the abuser may accuse her of being a “lesbian.” If she is close to her family, the abuser may accuse her of being “tied to the apron strings.” The abuser may accuse people who are close to the victim of “causing trouble.”

Blames others for problems

Abusers will rarely admit to the part they play in causing a problem. The abuser may blame the victim for almost anything that goes wrong.

Blames others for their feelings

An abuser may tell the victim, “I hurt you because you made me mad,” or “You’re hurting me when you don’t do what I ask.” Blaming the victim is a way of manipulating them and avoiding any responsibility.


An abuser can be easily insulted. The slightest setbacks are seen as personal attacks. An abuser may rage about the everyday difficulties of life as if they are injustices — such as getting a traffic ticket or not doing well on an exam.

Cruelty to animals or children

An abuser may brutally punish animals or be insensitive to their pain or suffering. Pets can be used to control the victim or to emotionally abuse them.

“Playful” use of force during sex

The abuser may like to hold the victim down during sex. They may want to act out sexual fantasies in which the victim is helpless. An abuser may show little concern about whether the victim wants to have sex and use sulking or anger to manipulate the victim into compliance. They may demand sex or start having sex with the victim when they are sleeping or very intoxicated.

Rigid sex roles

Male abusers often expect women to serve and obey them. They view women as inferior to men and believe that a woman is not a whole person without a relationship with a man.

Jekyll-and-Hyde personality

Explosiveness and mood swings are typical of abusers, and these behaviors are related to other traits such as hypersensitivity. This is not always a sign of mental health problems but may be a way of controlling the victim by being unpredictable.

Source: Adapted from Wilson, K.J. When Violence Begins at Home: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Ending Domestic Abuse. Alameda, CA: Hunter House Publishers, (1997).

Safety Tips

Residence Hall

  • Keep your residence hall room door locked whenever the room is unoccupied, if you are in the room alone, or if you are sleeping.
  • Do not open your residence hall room door unless you can identify the person seeking entrance.
  • Report suspicious persons or activities in your residence hall to the RA on duty, the hall director or to Campus Safety.
  • Never prop open exterior doors to residence halls or allow unescorted visitors into the hall.
  • If your residence hall room key is lost or stolen, report the loss immediately to the residence hall staff. Never leave your keys lying around in your room when you are not in the room.
  • Do not keep large amounts of cash in your room.


  • Keep your bicycle securely chained and locked when not in use. Campus Safety can advise you on types of locks and chains that are considered most secure.
  • Do not park or store your bike in dimly lit areas.
  • Engrave or permanently mark your bicycle with an identifying number and record that number with Campus Safety.


  • Keep your automobile locked at all times. Keep doors locked when traveling alone.
  • Don’t park your automobile in secluded or dimly lit areas.
  • Do not keep valuables or electronics in plain sight in your automobile.
  • When walking to your automobile at night, have your keys readily in hand.
  • Always check the back seat before getting into your automobile.
  • Never offer rides to strangers or hitch hikers.
  • Check your automobile daily.

Personal Property

  • Protect the safety of your personal property and valuables. Don’t allow your property or valuables to be unattended at any time.
  • Make a list of your valuables including make, model, and serial number.
  • Permanently mark your personal property and valuables with electric engravers.
  • Help protect your property and the property of others by reporting suspicious activity to Campus Safety.