Faculty Self-Service Training
The Faculty page is where you will be able to see your current, past, and future course rosters, and where you will assign midterm and final grades to students.
To view a course roster, choose the course under the appropriate term.
Once you have chosen a course, the roster will be displayed. The roster will include pictures of students, their ID numbers, class level and email.
If you click on deadline dates above, you will see last day to add, drop, etc. (Check these dates).
The Census tab gives you the ability to verify attendance on our census date (at the end of the add/drop period which is at the end of the 5th day of the semester at 4:30 p.m.) If a student is not attending, please indicated last date of attendance or never attended. There is no additional step to certify students as attending other than clicking the certify button. (i.e. if all students in attendance, simply click the certify button. Note: This is still in testing phase and is likely not to be “live” until the spring semester.
When midterm or final grading is open, click on the Grading tab. The main Grading page gives you an overview of the students enrolled. You will need to click on either the Midterm or Final Grade tab to enter grades. The Final Grade page is set up similar to the final grading page on Web Advisor. To assign the midterm or final grade, choose the grade from the drop down menu. Note: At this time, the Early Warning Alert system will continue to reside in Faculty Resources.
You are required to enter the last date of attendance if the grade entered is F.
If a student never attended or stopped attending at some point during the semester, this must also be noted. (This is information we must commonly provide to auditors).
If you enter an I for Incomplete, you are also required to enter the expiration date.
Once you have entered grades for every student on the roster, there is nothing further you need to do. (There is no submit button). You can view the grades you have entered by going back to the Overview tab. Note: you may edit the grades entered up until the deadline in which all grades must be entered. Students are note able to view grades until all processes are run and academic standings updated.
To access or enter book information for a particular course, click on Books.
To add a book that may already be in the system, enter the ISBN number, title or author’s name.
If no matching books found, you can click on add a new book and enter the information.
By simply searching (by title and author or ISBN), the system will pull up the book and you simply need to add it. The book information must be exactly the same as previously entered: ISBN, edition, title, etc. If you are going to be using an updated edition, you will need to ADD a new book. Previous textbook information cannot be edited.
Add a new book only after checking to see that the book is not in the system. The Bookstore also requires the Publisher Information.
The Bookstore also asks that you double check that the textbook is not out of print, as it can be difficult to find copies.
The next screen shot shows the fields that will need to be entered. PLEASE enter 0.00 in the New Price/Used Price fields. The Bookstore will enter this information on the website.
No textbook required? That information needs to be entered as well. DO NOT ADD A NEW BOOK for this option. Search for No Text and at least 21 different options will show. Choose one of them.
Also remember Textbook Information does not transfer from one semester to the next. You’ll need to enter this information each semester.
Office Hours
Faculty can also add Office Hours in Self-Service. To access Office Hours, click on Daily Work in the top left of the page and select Office Hours in the drop down menu.