Network & Connectivity

MCUsers wireless network

Students, faculty and staff should connect to the MCUsers wireless network. Device registration for this network is required. (You can register up to five devices, and registration lasts for one year.)

MCPublic wireless network

The MCPublic wireless network is intended for use only by campus guests who need short-term wireless access. (Some MC online resources will not work on MCPublic.)

eduroam wireless network

eduroam is a wireless network available to campus guests from other eduroam institutions.

Wired residence hall connections

Most students use Monmouth’s wireless network, so the wired network ports in the residence halls are turned off by default. If you need the port in your room turned on for a wired connection, please contact your HR or RA. After you connect your device to the wired network, you’ll need to register it.

Remote access

Students, faculty and staff can use RemoteApp and/or Remote Desktop to access programs and files on their personal devices.


RemoteApp enables you to launch certain programs (Word, Minitab, Mathematica, etc.) on your computer without having to fully install them.

Remote Desktop

When you log in to Remote Desktop, a desktop appears that looks similar to the desktop that you’d see when you log in to your office computer, and, from this desktop, you can access your F: drive files and Monmouth network-installed programs.