Housing & Meal Plans


2024-2025 Housing Charges per semester

ResidenceFeatures Charges
Alpha Xi Delta House Double Occupancy $3,616.00
Bowers Hall Double Occupancy $3,616.00
Grier Hall Double Occupancy $3,616.00
Kappa Kappa Gamma House Double Occupancy $3,616.00
Pattee Hall Double Occupancy $3,616.00
Gracie Peterson Hall Double Occupancy $3,616.00
Pi Beta Phi House Double Occupancy $3,616.00
All Others Double Occupancy $3,072.00

Additional Charges for rooms per semester


Double room, single occupancy $950.00
Single room, single occupancy $275.00
Private bath $400.00

Meal plans

Students may change their meal plan during the first week of classes each semester. To change your meal plan utilize the dining services website before the last day to add or drop a class (without a fee). Reference the current academic calendar to determine this cutoff date each semester.

2024-2025 Meal Plan options per semester

PlanMealsIncluded Flex DollarsCost
The Edinburgh ALL ACCESS $215 Flex Dollars $2,555
The Haddington 14 meals/week $280 Flex Dollars $2,555
The Aberdeen 10 meals/week $430 Flex Dollars $2,555
The Perth 50 block (Commuters Only) $125 Flex Dollars $608