Call For Papers


Want to share your research?

The Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research invites undergraduate students at any college or university to submit manuscripts from any discipline to be considered for publication in our journal’s 16th issue (2025) no later than January 15, 2025. Early submissions are highly encouraged!

Please read the following information and use the submission form below to submit a manuscript.

Submission Policy

As a journal dedicated to undergraduate scholarship, the Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research accepts submissions from any field of original, research-based work conducted and written by current or recent undergraduate students. For recent graduates, your submission must be received within 8 months of the conferral of your first undergraduate degree.

MJUR does not review class sets of papers; individual submissions only please.

Manuscripts that have been published or have been accepted for publication elsewhere, or are under review with another publication, are not eligible for review or publication.


In instances where students wish to acknowledge a faculty advisor, or funding agency they may do so by including an acknowledgements section in their submission. If the undergraduate independent work was generated from a larger faculty-led project in a discipline where co-authorship is expected and needed, it will be assessed on a case-by-case basis only if the co-authors’ contributions are clearly specified.

Two-Way Anonymous Review Guidelines

The Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research has adopted the policy of two-way anonymous review. For authors you should:

  • Remove your name, institution, email address, and acknowledgements section from your submission.
  • If you need to refer to your institutional setting, use descriptors, such as “a small midwestern university.”
  • The best way to handle needed citations of your previous work is the same third-person way that you would refer to citations of others’ work: “Jones et al. have demonstrated …” or “the curriculum developed by Jones at Wesleyan College shows that it is possible to teach this topic to introductory students.”

Submission Requirements:

  • Manuscript follows the above guidelines for two-way anonymous review with all identifying information removed.
  • Abstract of no more than 200 words.
  • 5-35 pages in length (page limit does not include bibliography or graphics).
  • 12-point Times New Roman, Calibri, or Aptos font, double spaced.
  • No color images or diagrams (the journal is in black and white).
  • Sequential page numbers required on all pages.
  • Submit as a single Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) file unless the text of your manuscript requires different format (such as extensive mathematical notation, tables, or figures).
  • No track changes (mark-ups).
  • If your manuscript includes figures or images, include a list of figures and identify the file format (e.g., JPEG, TIFF, PDF) of any graphics and images submitted
  • May use MLA, APA, or Chicago Style.
  • Research involving human subjects requires documentation of Institutional Review Board approval or exemption.

Manuscripts that fail to meet these requirements may be subject to automatic rejection.

For questions you may contact us at:

Submission Form