Kamea Graham

Class Year






Monmouth & You

Why did you choose Monmouth?

I chose Monmouth College because I had a great Scot Ambassador who had given me an amazing tour. I am a legacy student. When I was younger, I would visit Monmouth with my mother for Homecomings, and I had always seen Monmouth as my mother’s college and not as somewhere I would go. However, after learning that Monmouth College had so many opportunities that aligned with my goals for myself, I decided to go on a tour. When I had my tour, I met thee Ally Clay, whom you probably have seen in many Monmouth videos, and she showed me just how amazing the community is on campus and after one visit I instantly fell in love with Monmouth and knew this would be where I want to spend the next four years.

What advice do you have for students searching for a college?

Many people will tell you that you must have everything figured out now like what your major is going to be or what you want to do after college. However, it is okay not to have everything figured out right now. And when searching for a college the best advice I have is to pick a college that you can see yourself grow at and discover who you are, and if you do that everything else will work itself out in time.

What advice do you have for students who choose Monmouth?

Get Involved!!! The great thing about going to a smaller school is that there are so many opportunities, and I am a firm believer in taking advantage of all the opportunities you are given. So, if you always wanted to be a cheerleader, you should do it! If you always wanted to try theater, you should do it! If you always wanted to be a part of student government, you should do it! If you want to go on a trip that the school sponsors, you should do it! Don’t miss out on any of the wonderful opportunities that Monmouth has to offer.