Profile Types
Create your own custom content type using profiles.
Why Create a Profile Type?
Web admins can create a profile type to house various kinds of content or different types of people (Faculty, Alumni, etc.)
The advantage of creating a new profile type is you get to define your own custom fields. This is especially useful if you have content that doesn’t fit well into LiveWhale’s pre-defined content types (stories, events, blurbs, etc.)
For example, say you want to keep a record of each pet belonging to staff members. You can create a custom profile for “Pets” with custom fields for “Pet Nicknames” (a text box) and “Pet Type” (a menu with dog/cat/reptile/fish/misc).
Note: when creating a new profile type, information entered into the custom fields won’t automatically appear in profile widgets or on the profile page. The new fields will need to be added to widgets and to the profile template.
Adding a Profile Type
Go to the dashboard > Profiles > Add and manage profile type then add a new profile type. You would also go here to edit an existing profile type and add or change its fields.
When you add a profile, you can choose a person or thing profile depending which is most suitable. All profile types come with a description and contact by default, but you can uncheck these fields to remove them.
When adding custom fields:
- you can set the type of field (text box, select menu, etc)
- set the field display:
- body appears on the profile detail page automatically and shows in the main part of the profile editor.
- sidebar will not appear on the profile detail page unless specifically added to the template. On the profile editor, it appears down the right hand side.
- unassigned will not appear on the profile detail page unless specifically added to the template. It shows in the main part of the profile editor.
- never display will prevent the field ever appearing on the website. Even if added to a template or widget, this field will not display.
- set it to locked/unlocked:
- locked fields are editable only by the group which created the profile.
- unlocked fields are editable when the profile is shared to other groups.
- set required to prevent the profile being saved with this field empty.
Custom Profile Details Pages
When creating a new profile type, the profile automatically appears using the default profile details template, unless another template is specified.
If you added custom fields to your profile, you’ll need to add the custom fields into the template too. Go back to Profiles > Add and manage profile type and select your new profile type. Each custom field has an id assigned to it. A developer can use this id to add the field to the template or widgets.
You can alternatively assign a new custom profile template to the profile, if you’d like it to appear with a different design/layout. Talk to your developers :)