Stay connected with Monmouth and with fellow alums.
Monmouth College Magazine is published for alumni and friends of Monmouth College.
In addition to presenting interesting feature stories, the magazine covers campus news and Fighting Scots sports. A popular section of the publication is “Alumni News,” which contains updates about alumni and notices of marriages, births, and deaths.
Make sure you’re on the mailing list by updating your contact information!
Submit your class news
Alumni feature stories can also be found in the “Scotlight” section. Photos are encouraged. Submit digital photos with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi at 100 percent size, such as 4x6 inches. Include full names that clearly match faces, graduation class years, date and location. Please submit news and photos online by email to the Alumni Office, or by regular mail to Monmouth College Magazine, 700 East Broadway, Monmouth IL 61462-1998.
We reserve the right to reject images for any reason, especially those with low resolution and those that require purchase from a photo gallery website. The magazine welcomes, on a space-available basis, submissions from alumni regarding their current career position, honors and awards recently received, and special reunions and trips with other Monmouth alumni. Alumni are also encouraged to submit announcements of weddings and legal civil unions, births, and deaths.
Letters to the editor and other correspondence may be directed to Associate Director & Writer Barry McNamara.