Resources & Opportunities

Dual-degree programs

Students may participate in Monmouth’s “Dual Degree” program, where a student spends three or four years at Monmouth and two years at an associated school for focused study, earning degrees from both.

A student may major in any field while at Monmouth, so long as they complete the courses that prepare them for the two years at an engineering school. Most students will choose a major at Monmouth that is associated or aligned with their engineering interests — majors in physics, engineering, chemistry and mathematics are common choices.

Upon completion of the program, a student receives two bachelor degrees, a bachelor of arts from Monmouth, and a bachelor of science from the partner school.

Engineering options

Beyond the option to major in engineering at Monmouth with a focus on mechanical, electrical or chemical engineering, dual-degree programs offer a path into a wide range of engineering fields, including ones not offered here. Monmouth is affiliated with three excellent engineering programs at the following universities: Washington University (St. Louis); the University of Southern California (U.S.C.); and Case-Western Reserve University.

Atmospheric science

Atmospheric science is the study of the workings of the atmosphere, including meteorology. Monmouth is joining with the University of Arizona to create a unique program for students interested in Atmospheric Science. Stay tuned for more details!


Adolphson Astronomical Observatory

Located on the roof of the Center for Science and Business, the Adolphson Astronomical Observatory gives students and faculty the ability to conduct hands-on astrophysical research using the Trubeck Telescope - a 20” CDK telescope that enables the study of astrophysical objects using a variety of cameras, filters, and spectrographs.

Lightning research

We have ongoing research studying the production of high energy photons by atmosphere using an array of detectors.

Nuclear lab

Our nuclear lab includes an HPGe high precision gamma spectrometer, Neutron Generator, and an array of NaI detectors and supporting electronics

Off-campus programs

Students are strongly encouraged to participate in one or more off-campus programs during the summer and/or the semester. Summer programs include “Research Experiences for Undergraduates” (REU) programs that run at universities, national laboratories, and colleges across the U.S. These programs are paid internships that last approximately 10 weeks and give students an excellent opportunity to learn and do science a different way.

Recently, Monmouth College Physics students have participated in REU programs at Argonne National Lab, the University of Notre Dame, Texas A & M, the University of Oregon, and Ohio Wesleyan University. Some students have been able to travel to conferences and present their work after these research experiences.

Students may also participate in the Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM) — GLCA Oak Ridge Science Semester. This program offers an intensive trial immersion in physics research.