
PHYS 103G. Astronomy 1.0 course credit

An introduction to the study of our universe—its structures and their origin and evolution. Topics include: the earth, the moon, planets and stars and how they affect our lives. Simple laboratory experiments and telescopic observation are part of the course.

PHYS 105G. Astronomy: The Solar System 1.0 course credit

A survey of Planetary Astronomy, with emphases on recent space exploration and studies of the worlds of the solar system. Laboratory experiments and telescopic observation are part of the course.

PHYS 107G. Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies 1.0 course credit

A survey of Stellar Astronomy, with emphases on modern theories and observations of the formation and evolution of stars, galaxies, and the universe. Laboratory experiments and telescopic observation are part of the course.

PHYS 130G. Introductory Physics I (with lab) 1.0 course credit

An introduction to topics in classical mechanics, including kinematics, Newton’s laws, work-energy principles, momentum and impulse, and rotational motion. Some differential calculus is used. Co-requisite: MATH 151 or permission of the instructor. PHYS 132G. Introductory Physics II (with lab) 1.0 course credit
Continuation of Physics 130. Topics include: electricity, magnetism, and simple circuit analysis. Differential and integral calculus used freely. Co-requisite: MATH 152 or permission of the instructor

PHYS 134. Introductory Physics III (with lab) 1.0 course credit

Continuation of PHYS 132. Topics include: physical, waves, oscillating motion, optics, special relativity, and introductory quantum physics. Prerequisite: Physics 132 or permission of the instructor.

PHYS 190. Digital Electronics 1.0 course credit

An introduction to digital circuit design, both combinational and sequential, and their application in constructing digital instruments. May include microprocessor and elementary assembly language. There is a strong laboratory component to this course. Offered in rotation as needed.

PHYS 208. Classical Mechanics 1.0 course credit

An introduction to the study of particles and systems under the action of various types of forces. Includes harmonic oscillator, central force and Lagrangian formulation. This course makes elegant use of mathematical techniques in solving physical problems. Prerequisites: MATH 254 and PHYS 132 or permission of the instructor.

PHYS 209. Statics 1.0 course credit

An introduction to analysis of forces acting on particles and rigid bodies. Topics include: statics of particles, rigid bodies and equivalent systems of forces, equilibrium of rigid bodies, distributed forces, analysis of structures, forces in cables in beams, friction, and moments of inertia. Prerequisite: PHYS 130 or permission of the instructor. Offered in rotation as needed.

PHYS 210. Circuit Analysis (with lab) 1.0 course credit

Introduction to the techniques of analyzing resistive, capacitive, and inductive circuits. Topics include: Kirchoff’s rules, Thevenin’s theorem, node-voltage method, mesh-current method, and properties of RL, RC, and RLC circuits. Prerequisite: PHYS 132 or permission of the instructor. Offered in rotation as needed.

PHYS 211. Analog Electronics (with lab) 1.0 course credit

Topics include: high and low pass filters, differentiators, integrators, detailed study of transistor circuits, operational amplifiers, comparators, Schmitt triggers, and oscillator circuits. There is a strong laboratory component to this course. Prerequisite: PHYS 132 or permission of the instructor. Offered in rotation as needed.

PHYS 212. Optics (with lab) 1.0 course credit

A study of geometrical and physical optics. Topics include: optical instruments,
interference, diffraction, dispersion, and topics in modern optics. Prerequisites: MATH 254 and PHYS 132 or permission of the instructor. Offered in rotation as needed.

PHYS 214. Computational Methods for the Natural Sciences 1.0 course credit

An introduction to the practice of solving problems in the natural sciences using computers. Topics include: the use of numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solutions to differential equations, numerical simulation, and approximation techniques to solve common and interesting problems in the natural sciences. Prerequisites: PHYS 132, COMP 160, or permission of the instructor. MATH 323 encouraged. Offered in rotation as needed.

PHYS 288. Special Topics 0 to 1.0 course credit

PHYS 267. Introduction to the Dynamics of the Atmosphere 1.0 course credit
Topics include: Survey of the properties of the atmosphere, (including the composition and motion of the atmosphere, some atmospheric chemistry, the carbon and hydrologic cycles), atmospheric thermodynamics, radiative transfer, cloud microphysics, and weather systems. Prerequisite: Physics I (Physics 130). Co-requisite: Physics II (PHYS 132) or permission of the instructor.

PHYS 280. Introduction to Modern Physics 1.0 course credit

An introduction to the physics of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Topics may include: special relativity, introductory quantum theory, introductory atomic physics, nuclear physics, condensed matter physics and particle physics. Prerequisite: PHYS 134 or permission of the instructor.

PHYS 303. Electricity and Magnetism 1.0 course credit

A detailed introduction to the principles of electrodynamics. Topics include: electrostatics and magnetostatics, both in vacuum and matter, and the development of Maxwell’s equations to study electromagnetic fields. Prerequisites: MATH 254 and PHYS 132.

PHYS 310. Quantum Mechanics 1.0 course credit

An introduction to concepts of modern quantum mechanics, including an historical introduction, a review of related classical mechanics techniques and the required mathematical concepts. Topics include: postulates of quantum mechanics, matrix formulation, one-dimensional potentials, and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Prerequisites: MATH 254 and PHYS 208 or permission of the instructor.

PHYS 311. Mathematical Methods for Physicists 1.0 course credit

This course covers mathematical techniques that are commonly used in Physics and Engineering. Topics will include techniques for solving differential equations, solving systems of equations, matrix techniques, special functions, series expansions, approximation techniques, introductory complex mathematics, and other topics. Prerequisites: MATH 152 and PHYS 132 or permission of the instructor.

PHYS 312. Quantum Mechanics II 1.0 course credit

Further development of the mathematical methods of quantum mechanics. Three-dimensional potential problems are considered in greater detail. Topics include: the hydrogen atom, angular momentum and spin, perturbations, and introductory relativistic quantum mechanics. Prerequisite: PHYS 310 or permission of the instructor. Offered in rotation as needed.

PHYS 315L. Advanced Laboratory 0.5 course credit

An introduction to advanced laboratory techniques and data analysis in physics, as well as a selection of the classic experiments in modern physics. Experiments may be in optics, atomic physics, solid state physics, and nuclear physics. Prerequisite: PHYS 132 or permission of the instructor.

PHYS 325. Solid-State Physics (with lab) 1.0 course credit

An introduction to solid-state physics, including crystal structure and the thermal,
dielectric, and magnetic properties of solids. Topics include: band theory and
semiconductors, phonons, and superconductivity. Prerequisite: PHYS 310 or permission of the instructor. Offered in rotation as needed.

PHYS 335. Introduction to Nuclear Physics (with lab) 1.0 course credit

An introduction to the physics of the nucleus. Topics include: the study of nuclear
properties, models of the nucleon-nucleon interaction, models of the nucleus, scattering theory, radioactive decay and radiation. Includes laboratory. Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of the instructor. Offered in rotation as needed.

PHYS 350. Science Seminar 0 course credit

An introduction to the literature of the physical sciences providing the student with the opportunity to prepare and present reports. Required of juniors and seniors majoring in chemistry and physics. Other students are invited to participate. Credit/No Credit.

PHYS 356. Statistical Physics 1.0 course credit

An introduction to thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Topics include: entropy and temperature, Boltzmann distribution, chemical potential and the Gibbs distribution, and Fermi and Bose gases. Prerequisite: PHYS 134 or permission of the instructor. Offered in rotation as needed.

PHYS 401. Independent Study 0 to 1.0 course credit

Special topics in physics. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.

PHYS 420. Senior Research 1.0 course credit

An individual project in theoretical or experimental physics chosen by the student in consultation with the physics faculty. Prerequisites: Junior standing or permission of the chair