
The Monmouth-OSF 3+1 Nursing Program provides students all the benefits of an exceptional residential liberal arts college and a high-quality college of nursing.


Monmouth + OSF Healthcare = Your future

Monmouth and OSF HealthCare provide you the future in nursing you’ve always wanted. Our innovative 3+1 program, beginning in fall 2025, gives you the residential college experience Monmouth does best and combines it with Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing’s excellent nursing curriculum and regional healthcare facilities. It’s the best of both worlds.

So what does 3+1 mean?

It’s pretty simple math: 3 years for a Monmouth College bachelor of arts or science degree and 1 more year for a bachelor of science in nursing degree from OSF.

You will spend all four years right here on the beautiful campus we call home. In the first three years, you will earn a degree from Monmouth in either biology, biopsychology, or health science and human movement. In the fourth year, you will earn an accelerated bachelor of science in nursing degree from the Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing with some local travel to their hospitals. It adds up to two degrees from two great colleges in four years – all on the Monmouth College campus.

Not just nurses – nursing leaders

The Monmouth-OSF 3+1 Nursing Program helps you become the best nurse you can be. By combining the critical thinking, speaking and writing skills of a Monmouth bachelor’s degree with the medical training of the OSF curriculum, you’ll be great nursing leader, too. You’ll be ready to take the next career step – from practitioner to mentor. And with the guarantee of a job in OSF Healthcare to graduates of the BSN program who pass the National Council Licensure Examination, you’ll be ready to start your career right after graduation. 

You are part of the solution

Rural healthcare faces a critical shortage of qualified, skilled nurses. Our accelerated, dual-degree program brings together two of our region’s strongest organizations to educate and train talented students like you to address this crisis.

The Illinois Economic Policy Institute projects the state will have a shortage of 15,000 registered nurses by 2025, and found 55% of the nursing workforce in Illinois is 55 or older with another 27% of nurses considering retirement in the next five years.

Graduates of the Monmouth-OSF 3+1 Nursing Program will be ready to pursue their careers in healthcare and serve a vital need in our region.

*Pending final approval of relevant accrediting bodies.

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