Pipe Band

We are proud of our Scotch-Irish heritage, and there’s no better
symbol of that heritage than our pipe band.

The pipes are calling 

You’ll hear us everywhere on campus. We play at every major event, including matriculation, Homecoming and Commencement, as well as our athletic events, parades and Scots Day.

Our pipers are part of the Monmouth traditions. Trust us, you'll come to love the sound of bagpip...

Our pipe band consists of college students, director Aaron Kimzey ’19, and members of nearby communities. Because the College is not in session, the pipe band does not participate in summer competition, however, almost all members compete regularly as individuals and with their “home bands.” 

During recent years, the ability level of the pipe band members has ranged from the intermediate level to the competitive “open-professional” level. We are proud to boast members who have won both world and national championships.

Bagpipe & Highland Drumming Scholarship Application


Our continued growth is fostered by adding piping and Highland drumming talent into our student body. We offer scholarships for players with the ability to play, teach and assume leadership roles in the pipe band. Scholarship members of the band provide instruction for beginning and intermediate level students from the college and local community.