Global Food Security

Challenging students to think about where our food comes from and how to combat hunger on a global scale.

How do we feed a human population of at least 9.5 billion?

How do we accomplish this goal with food systems that are sustainable, achieve nutritional equity and ensure access to culturally appropriate food? These are the kinds of questions we challenge students to consider in our Global Food Security program, which is part of our Center for Civic and Social Change.

Food security means a continual, reliable access to safe, nutritious, and culturally appropriate food that provides a foundation for the pursuit of one’s full human potential.

We prepare students to change the world

Our students are armed to affect change by studying and better understanding food security across many disciplines. Our program includes courses in anthropology, biology, business and philosophy. Our minor pairs well with any program.

  • <blockquote class="callout-quote"><div class="callout-quote-text"><p> “Studying global food security allows me to combine all of my passions into one area of study…I have the opportunity to learn about ideas, problems, and global issues that I would not otherwise have learned about.”</p></div><footer class="callout-quote-footer">Katie Hays ’21</footer></blockquote>

Students from every major are welcome to combine their overall field with a concentration on using their knowledge to contribute to the solution to global problems.

Global Food Security News

  • Summer Opportunities for Intellectual Activity (SOFIA)


  • Off-Campus Experiences