
Chemists explore the elements that make up the world and work to make that world even better. 

Our department offers a hands-on curriculum rich in research opportunities and one-on-one student-faculty interactions. Our students get a solid foundation in chemistry, other physical sciences and mathematics. They learn how to use scientific literature and to communicate scientific information effectively.

Our courses encourage critical thinking; sharpen students’ quantitative skills; demonstrate cumulative aspects of chemistry principles; develop students’ analytical skills by using inquiry-based learning; and strengthen students’ scientific writing and presentation skills.

A Monmouth chemistry degree opens doors

With a solid background in chemistry and a liberal arts foundation, our graduates are prepared for a variety of fields. Our department is accredited by the American Chemical Society, and we offer a program to ACS certification upon graduation. 

Graduate school opportunities

Chemistry majors have found success in medical, graduate, and professional schools. Recent graduates are employed by companies including Proctor and Gamble, MilliporeSigma, 3M, and Nanocor.

University of Iowa, Colorado State, Purdue, Baylor, Iowa State, Yale, St. Ambrose University, Rus...

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