
BUSI 105. Introduction to Commerce 1.0 course credit

Modern commercial institutions and business methods are examined. Analysis includes both domestic and global economic, social and political considerations. U.S. economic history is also examined. May include case study of a specific industry over time.

BUSI 201 Business Data Analysis 1.0 course credit

Manipulation and analysis of data using spreadsheets.

BUSI 205. Business Math and Statistics 1.0 course credit

Application of quantitative and statistical skills that are used in business analysis in management, marketing, finance and economics. Special emphasis on analysis utilizing spreadsheets. A foundation course credit that prepares students for advanced classes. Prerequisite: BUSI 201.

BUSI 218. Business Writing 1.0 course credit

Fundamentals of business writing and application to professional business writing tasks. Assignments replicate typical business cases and situations, including a report compiling, interpreting and documenting research. Prerequisites: BUSI 105 and ECON 200.

BUSI 250. Special Topics 1.0 course credit

May be repeated.

BUSI 290. International Business Practicum 0.5 course credit

A practical experience which combines the study of international business and cultural differences that impact commerce. The course credit will include both on-campus instruction and site visitations of business, governmental, other commercial institutions and cultural sites outside the United States. Prerequisites: BUSI 105, sophomore standing, and permission of the instructor(s).

BUSI 295. Business in Context 0.5 course credit

The study of contemporary issues, industries or firms related to a common theme. The theme, issue, industry, or firm will vary from semester to semester depending upon the knowledge, expertise and interest of the instructor. Emphasis on applying economic, marketing, financial, management, accounting, and legal analysis to the operation of the issues under examination. Possible industries include: professional sports, beverages, movies, music, communication, computer technology, health care, higher education, and automobiles. Prerequisites: BUSI 105, ECON 200, or permission of the instructor.

BUSI 305. Administration and Organization 1.0 course credit

An examination of the modern enterprise from the perspective of its internal operations and the theory and practice of management. Prerequisites: BUSI 105, and ECON 200; or permission of the instructor.

BUSI 306. Business Finance 1.0 course credit

An introduction to the principles of financing business, integrated with a study of institutional finance. Covers current topics of managerial finance, including capital management, the management of working capital, capital budgeting, the acquisition of funds, and stock and bond valuation. Prerequisites: BUSI 201, BUSI 205, ACCT 203 and ECON 200.

BUSI 307. Principles of Marketing 1.0 course credit

A basic study of the ways in which businesses determine consumers’ needs and direct the flow of goods and services. Case analyses are used to develop students’ problem-solving abilities. Prerequisites: BUSI 105 or PUBR 241, and ECON 200.

BUSI 315. Negotiations 1.0 course credit

The theory and practice of negotiations as they are practiced in a variety of settings. Relevant to a broad spectrum of negotiation problems encountered in business, professional and personal matters. Opportunity to develop bargaining skills experientially to understand negotiation in an analytical framework. Emphasis on simulations, role playing and cases. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.

BUSI 322. Legal Environment of Business 1.0 course credit

An introduction to the history, structure, and procedure of the American legal system and the legal environment of business. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

BUSI 325. Introduction to Entrepreneurship 1.0 course credits

A survey of the principles of entrepreneurship. A study of business formation from idea to commercial viability. Students work together in teams to create business comprehensive plans for new business ventures. Prerequisites: BUSI 305 or permission of the instructor.

BUSI 335. Human Resources 1.0 course credit

A survey course in human resource management. Focus on strategic link between employment systems and organizational goals and core competencies. Utilizes action oriented models to develop and implement performance management practices in job design, hiring performance evaluation, compensation, retention, and termination. Managerial skill building in employee relations in emphasized in areas of feedback and conflict management. Exposure to a variety of HRM techniques with an emphasis on practical implementation. Prerequisite: BUSI 305 or permission of the instructor.

BUSI 345. Globalization and International Management 1.0 course credit

Overview of current international business practices and customs in context of the major political and economic systems of the world. Prerequisite: BUSI 105 and ECON 200.

BUSI 350. Special Topics in Business Administration 0.5 to 1.0 course credit

May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: BUSI 105 and ECON 200.
BUSI 356. Investments and Portfolio Analysis 1.0 course credit
An introduction to security markets, security instruments, and speculation opportunities with an emphasis in practical investing. Emphasizes portfolio management. Cross-listed as ECON 356.

BUSI 357. Integrated Marketing Management 1.0 course credit

A study of the role marketing managers play in meeting management’s objectives. Integrated promotional programs are examined along with the most widely utilized marketing tools. Prerequisites: BUSI 307 and BUSI 367.

BUSI 365. Midwest Entrepreneurs 1.0 course credit

A study of the activities, plans and strategy of local and alumni entrepreneurs. The course features numerous guest speakers. Students write numerous papers, reports and blog posts about the speakers and entrepreneurial ventures. Prerequisites: BUSI 305 and junior standing; or consent of the instructor.

BUSI 367. Advertising 1.0 course credit

Examines alternative communication techniques between organizations and external consistencies. Students explore how and why organizations plan, manage and monitor their marketing communications. Topics include: advertising planning, media alternatives, the creative process, and brand promotion. Marketing concepts are applied to understand contemporary, successful integrated marketing communications. Student teams compete via a simulated advertising competition. Prerequisite: BUSI 307.

BUSI 375. Leadership and Politics in Organizations 1.0 course credit

A study of the relationship among leadership, politics, and authority in the creation, organization, and administration of the enterprise. Prerequisite: Junior standing.

BUSI 382. Commercial Law 1.0 course credit

Study of business law tailored for the CPA. Includes the common law of contracts, an introduction to the Uniform Commercial Code, agency law and negotiable instruments law. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of the instructor.

BUSI 385. Database Management 1.0 course credit

An introduction to database management using Microsoft Office Access. Utilizes learning by doing hands-on projects under the direction and supervision of a faculty mentor. Prerequisite: Business 201 or consent of the instructor.

BUSI 400. Internship 0.5 to 1.5 course credit

An off-campus experience working in a professional managerial environment under the supervision of a mentor. Prerequisites: Senior Standing, BUSI 305 and BUSI 306 or 307; or permission of the instructor.

BUSI 405. Strategy and Structure 1.0 course credit

A study of the modern enterprise which focuses on the formulation and implementation of its strategy with particular attention to the relationship between the strategy and the larger society in which the enterprise operates. Prerequisites: Senior standing, BUSI 305, 306, 307 and ECON 300 or 301; or permission of the instructor.

BUSI 406. Entrepreneurial Business Strategy 1.0 course credit

A hands-on capstone experience designed to apply and integrate accounting, management, marketing, and finance using simulations or business plan formation. Prerequisites: Senior standing, BUSI 305, 306, 307 and ECON 300 or 301; or permission of the instructor.

BUSI 409. International Business Strategy 1.0 course credit

A study of the modern business enterprise in a global context. Focuses on the formulation and implementation of business strategy with a particular emphasis on the relationship between the strategy and the international environment within which the business operates. Emphasis on a synthesis of management, economics, accounting, marketing, and finance in the global context of the multi-national firm. Prerequisites: BUSI 305, 306, 307 and 345 and senior standing; or permission of the instructor.

BUSI 410. Political Economy and Commerce Honors I 0.25 course credit

Participation in a joint student/faculty discussion of contemporary accounting management or economic policy issues using political economy methodology and analysis. To be taken in the spring semester of junior year. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.

BUSI 411. Political Economy and Commerce Honors II 0.25 course credit

Research on contemporary accounting management or economic policy issue using political economy methodology and analysis. To be taken in the fall semester of senior year. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.

BUSI 412. Political Economy and Commerce Honors III 0.25 course credit

Leadership and presentation in joint student/faculty discussion of contemporary
management or economic policy issues using political economy methodology and analysis. To be taken in the spring semester of senior year. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.

BUSI 420. Independent Study. 0.5 to 1.0 course credit

May be repeated for credit.