
Discover the vaccine that will halt a global pandemic. Explore root causes of climate change. Build prototypes for artificial limbs that will help amputees regain function.

Our biology curriculum offers an opportunity for students to understand the structures and processes that characterize life and appreciate the tremendous diversity of living organisms.

Course work is balanced among three scales of biological organization: cell and molecular biology; physiology and organismal biology; and ecology and evolutionary biology.

An important component of the major is independent research that enables students to become familiar with the process of science by investigating a specific biological problem in the laboratory or field. With several local research areas – including a nature preserve and our Educational Garden & Farm – there are no shortage of hands-on learning opportunities. 

Most courses are extensive rather than intensive in content, providing students with considerable breadth in the biological sciences as a whole. An emphasis in Global Food Security may also be added to this major as a minor.

Biology News

  • Educational Garden & Farm

    Experiencing lifeFrom seed to table.

  • LeSuer Nature Preserve

    come experience theGlory of Nature.